When it comes to legal documents, the terms „application” and „agreement” are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. Understanding the difference between these two terms is crucial, as it can impact your legal rights and obligations. In this article, we`ll explore what sets an application apart from an agreement.

What is an Application?

An application is a document that a person or entity fills out to apply for something. It could be anything from a job, a loan, a permit, or membership to a club. The purpose of an application is to provide information about the applicant to the entity that will decide whether to grant the request.

Applications can vary in scope and complexity. Some applications are simple, consisting of basic personal information and a signature, while others may require extensive documentation and supporting materials. Regardless of the application`s complexity, it serves as a formal request for consideration.

In the context of legal documents, an application is a one-way communication from the applicant to the entity that will decide on the request. It does not bind either party to any obligations or responsibilities.

What is an Agreement?

An agreement, on the other hand, is a legally binding contract between two or more parties. It outlines the rights and obligations of each party and establishes a framework for conducting business or engaging in a specific activity.

Agreements can take many forms, depending on the parties involved and the nature of the transaction. Some common examples of agreements include lease agreements, employment contracts, and service agreements.

Unlike an application, an agreement requires mutual assent from all parties involved. This means that each party must agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement before it becomes binding.

Key Differences Between Application and Agreement

While applications and agreements share some similarities, they differ in several key ways:

1. Purpose: An application is a request for consideration, while an agreement is a legally binding contract.

2. Scope: An application provides information about the applicant, while an agreement outlines the rights and obligations of all parties involved.

3. Obligations: An application does not create obligations or responsibilities for either party, while an agreement establishes specific obligations and responsibilities for all parties.


In summary, an application and an agreement are not interchangeable terms. An application is a request for consideration, while an agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the rights and obligations of all parties involved. Understanding the difference between these two terms can help you navigate legal documents more effectively and protect your legal rights and obligations.