One of the words in legal English that often causes confusion and serious problems for interpreters and translators is „match” because of its different meanings, depending on the context in which it appears. Black`s Law Dictionary offers two meanings of the term: it adds in quotation marks: „The term `agreement,` although often used as a synonym for the word `contract,` is actually an expression of more meaning and less technique. Each contract is an agreement; but not all agreements are contracts. In its colloquial sense, the term „agreement” would encompass any agreement between two or more persons aimed at influencing their relationship (legal or not) with each other. It doesn`t seem easy to try to bring these concepts together so close together to get a correct translation from English to Spanish and vice versa. So we have this contract which is both a „contract” and an „agreement”, but not all „agreements” are contracts. In Mexico, a treaty is also an agreement, but not all agreements are treaties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we note that any contract or agreement is an agreement and that in English „contract” is always „agreement” and that „agreement” also has a very broad meaning corresponding to consent. This leads us to the following conclusion: „Agreement” is always an agreement, but this Agreement can also be an agreement or a contract. .

On the other hand, the Federal Civil Code in Mexico states that the term „agreement” is the agreement of two or more persons to create, transfer, modify or extinguish obligations, and agreements that create or transfer obligations and rights are called „contracts”. Subject to the prior agreement of the institutions and Member States concerned, any transmission of documents between them may be made by electronic means. . the Member State concerned has requested that the document not be disclosed without its prior consent. Any reallocation under the Resilience Initiative requires prior agreement between the Commission and the EIB. whether the competent authority which provided the information has given its prior consent; However, the word „agreement” is also used in Mexico for decisions relating to simple processing in judicial proceedings that are heard by the courts, as well as for decisions of an administrative nature rendered by public administration authorities. Like what:. approved railway undertakings may not perform the amended contract without the prior agreement of the customs office of departure. Finally, the verb „agree” in Spanish has two equivalents: „to agree” and „acordar”, the most important and common being the first. Here`s how we see it in the following example: This variety of meanings gives us the guideline for its correct translation in context. The following example illustrates the above: on the bank`s initiative and with the prior agreement of the President, the Committee`s opinion can be obtained by means of a written procedure. Missions to countries other than the EU-27, candidate countries, candidate countries and EFTA and EEA countries must be approved in advance by the Commission services.

The requested authority may make the transmission of information to a third party subject to its prior consent. sharing the results of research and development of products or technologies covered by the contract concluded jointly under an agreement previously concluded by the same parties Cephalexin Side effects Generic cats cialis how much viagra propecia price breastfeeding costs The Commission may publish the list of authorised economic operators via the Internet; with the agreement of the authorised economic operator concerned. Any EFTA State may request the Secretariat not to disclose documents from that State without its prior consent. Any use of the data transmitted by the Member States for purposes other than the coordinated monitoring programme shall require the prior consent of the Member States. However, only those which have actually been worked with the prior agreement of the head of department or the head of department responsible shall be considered as overtime. .