The recipient reverses the process. It receives the encoded message and then decodes it. This means that it converts the message back into information that can be understood. In the opening example, an employee reads the message and knows who has been hired and when it will start. Information was transferred from managers to employees. In an interactive communication process, the recipient can send feedback to the sender to indicate that the message was received and how it was interpreted. This can trigger an interactive exchange that can assure the sender that the message has been received and understood correctly. Most organizations have both formal and informal information systems. Formal communication systems are the methods used to convey the information necessary for the conduct of the organization`s affairs.

Official notices are in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the profession or the law (p.B. , formal reporting procedures for tracking workplace injuries). This is information that flows within the chain of command or as part of the responsibilities of the task. The message can be procedures to provide managers with regular progress reports. Meetings can be scheduled to share information about the status of a project. Human Resources may organize seminars to teach new policies and procedures. The formal communication system ensures that the necessary information flows through the organization and that the dissemination of this information is controlled. Not everyone in an organization has access to progress reports or participates in project meetings. Formal communication systems ensure that information is available to those who need it, not to others. The role of management is to achieve the goals of an organization.

To do this, managers create a plan that defines what needs to be done, when it`s done, and how it`s done. To implement the plan, managers must share this information with all members of the organization. That is, they must communicate the plan to the members of the organization. However, managers need to do much more than just let people know what they need to do to support the plan. You also need to motivate people to support the plan, strengthen commitment to the organization, build relationships and collaboration, and keep everyone informed about events and actions that impact the organization. Good communication not only informs, but also helps create a culture that makes people feel that they belong and want to support the organization. The introductory example shows what can result from miscommunication. Here are some of the benefits of effective communication. He was eager to show his supervisors that he was working on the problem, so he emailed his managers and employees saying he would soon announce cost-cutting measures.

Unfortunately, employees interpreted this to mean that there would be layoffs. Soon, there were rumors that „Matt the Knife” had been hired to outsource the department and that everyone would be fired. Morale plummeted and people started using their time to polish their resumes and apply for jobs. The employees were suspicious of Mathias and he was cut off from daily communication with them. Not all communications in an organization are formal and not all communications are controlled. Informal communication systems are outside the formal system. Informal systems can connect almost anyone in an organization to anyone else. They skip hierarchical levels and between departments and functions. In the opening scenario, we saw how disinformation spread through the informal system can harm an organization.

However, informal communication systems are not necessarily disruptive. In many organizations, the informal network is the main means of disseminating information and working. There are organizations where doing a job depends more on who you know than on what you know. Every step of the communication process model leads to missteps. In the initial scenario, two e-mail messages were described. They were both internal to the company, but they achieved very different results. What was different about the messages that caused the different results? These are just a few of the many benefits of effective communication. Managers can only achieve organizational goals if members of the organization feel committed to achieving the goals. People perform much better when they are informed and involved. Step errors also occur during decoding if the recipient interprets the message differently than the sender had intended. .