Novation Agreement JCT: What It Is and Why You Need It

A novation agreement is a legal document that transfers the rights and obligations of one party in a contract to another party. Novation agreements are often used in construction contracts, where one party may need to transfer the rights and obligations of the project to another party. One type of novation agreement that is commonly used in construction projects is the Novation Agreement JCT.

What Is a Novation Agreement JCT?

JCT stands for Joint Contracts Tribunal, a UK-based organization that produces standard forms of construction contracts. JCT contracts are widely used in the UK construction industry, and the Novation Agreement JCT is one of the standard forms that can be used to transfer the rights and obligations of a construction contract.

A Novation Agreement JCT is typically used when a construction project is being transferred from one contractor to another. In this scenario, the new contractor takes over the rights and obligations of the original contractor, including any design work, warranties, and guarantees. The Novation Agreement JCT is used to ensure that the new contractor has the same contractual obligations as the original contractor, and that the client is protected from any additional costs or liabilities.

Why Do You Need a Novation Agreement JCT?

There are several benefits to using a Novation Agreement JCT. The agreement ensures that the new contractor is fully aware of the project requirements and has the necessary skills and qualifications to complete the project successfully. It also enables the client to maintain continuity of service, as the new contractor will be able to continue working on the project without interruption.

Novation agreements can also help to prevent disputes. By clearly defining the rights and obligations of each party in the contract, the agreement reduces the risk of misunderstandings or disagreements between the client and the contractor. This can save time and money for both parties, as disputes can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.

Finally, a Novation Agreement JCT can be used to protect the client from any additional costs or liabilities that may arise during the project. By transferring the rights and obligations of the original contractor to the new contractor, the client can ensure that they are not left with any unexpected costs or liabilities.


A Novation Agreement JCT is an essential document in the UK construction industry. By transferring the rights and obligations of one party in a contract to another party, the agreement ensures that the client is protected from any additional costs or liabilities that may arise during the project. If you are involved in a construction project in the UK, it is important to have a Novation Agreement JCT in place to protect your interests and ensure the successful completion of the project.