When it comes to selling contracts in FIFA 21, there are a few key strategies that can help you maximize your profits and minimize your time investment. In this article, we’ll go through some tips and tricks for selling contracts in FIFA 21 that can help you earn more coins and build a stronger Ultimate Team.

Step 1: Know Your Market

The first step to successfully selling contracts in FIFA 21 is to understand the market. Take a look at the current going rate for contracts on the transfer market, paying attention to both the average price and the price range. This will give you a good sense of what your contracts are worth and what kind of competition you’re up against.

Step 2: Price Your Contracts Competitively

Once you have a sense of the market, it’s time to set your prices. You’ll want to price your contracts competitively, so that they sell quickly, but not so low that you’re losing out on potential profits.

A good rule of thumb is to set your prices slightly lower than the current average price but slightly higher than the lowest price available. This will make your contracts more appealing to buyers while still allowing you to make a decent profit.

Step 3: Use Auctions to Your Advantage

Another strategy for selling contracts in FIFA 21 is to use auctions to your advantage. Instead of listing your contracts at a fixed price, consider putting them up for auction.

When you list an item for auction, you can set a starting price as well as a minimum bid increment. This allows you to control the bidding process and potentially drive up the final sale price.

Step 4: Sell in Bulk

If you have a large number of contracts to sell, you may want to consider selling them in bulk. By selling multiple contracts at once, you can often negotiate a better price with buyers and save time on listing each individual contract separately.

Step 5: Promote Your Contracts

Finally, don’t forget to promote your contracts. If you have a strong social media following or a FIFA 21 Ultimate Team community that you’re a part of, consider sharing your listings to get more exposure.

You can also use keywords and tags in your listings to make them more visible on the transfer market. Use relevant terms such as “contracts,” “FIFA 21 Ultimate Team,” and “squad building” to help potential buyers find your listings.


Ultimately, the key to successfully selling contracts in FIFA 21 is to understand the market, price your contracts competitively, use auctions strategically, sell in bulk, and promote your listings. By following these tips, you can maximize your profits and build a stronger Ultimate Team.