SAGindie Contracts: What Filmmakers Need to Know

Independent filmmakers face a unique set of challenges when it comes to casting and crewing their productions. One of the biggest challenges is navigating the complex world of performer contracts. For filmmakers working outside the studio system, the standard Screen Actors Guild (SAG) contract may not always be appropriate or feasible. That’s where SAGindie comes in.

What is SAGindie?

SAGindie is a resource for independent filmmakers who need to hire SAG performers for their productions. It’s a joint venture between SAG-AFTRA (the union that represents actors, voiceover artists, and other performers) and the Independent Film and Television Alliance. SAGindie offers a variety of services to help filmmakers work with SAG performers, including contract templates, guidance on how to negotiate and work with performers, and access to SAG performers.

What are SAGindie Contracts?

SAGindie contracts are customized contracts that SAGindie has created specifically for indie filmmakers. These contracts are designed to be more flexible and affordable than the standard SAG contract, to better meet the needs of indie productions. SAGindie offers several types of contracts, including:

– The Modified Low Budget Agreement: This contract is for productions with budgets between $50,000 and $700,000. It allows filmmakers to hire SAG performers at a lower rate than the standard SAG contract, and offers more flexibility in terms of working conditions and scheduling.

– The Ultra-Low Budget Agreement: This contract is for productions with budgets under $250,000. It allows filmmakers to hire SAG performers at an even lower rate than the Modified Low Budget Agreement, and offers even more flexibility in terms of working conditions and scheduling.

– The Short Film Agreement: This contract is for productions with budgets under $50,000 that are 40 minutes or less in length. It allows filmmakers to hire SAG performers for a flat fee.

– The Student Film Agreement: This contract is for student productions that are not intended for commercial distribution. It allows student filmmakers to hire SAG performers for a flat fee.

Why Use SAGindie Contracts?

Using SAGindie contracts can be beneficial for indie filmmakers in several ways. First, these contracts are designed specifically for indie productions, so they offer more flexibility and affordability than the standard SAG contract. Second, working with SAG performers can help elevate the quality of a production and attract more attention from festivals and other industry professionals. Finally, working with SAGindie can help filmmakers navigate the complex world of performer contracts and ensure that they are fulfilling all legal and ethical obligations to their performers.

In conclusion, SAGindie contracts can be a valuable tool for independent filmmakers looking to work with SAG performers. These contracts offer more flexibility and affordability than the standard SAG contract, and can help filmmakers elevate the quality of their productions. By working with SAGindie, indie filmmakers can ensure that they are fulfilling all legal and ethical obligations to their performers, and can focus on making the best possible film.